wild connections
pygmy possum
corroboree frog
fariy penguin
kosciusko grasshopper
Tasmanian Devil
superb parrot

What's New

where is Menagerie™ being played around the World?

One of the surprising and rewarding aspects about making Australian Menagerie has been the unexpected use the game is being put to. It is being used to help teach English in Vietnam, help with language and learning difficulties and the game has been brailled for blind players. We are also aware that some schools have purchased sets of the game for classroom use and we would greatly appreciate any feedback on the uses and success of the game in schools.

where Menagerie is being played

. locations where Menagerie is being played!

So please get in touch with us by emailing Wild Connections and tell us what you think and where you're playing!

cheers Pat & Dan

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© Wild Connections
Last Modified: 14.11.15